May 1, 1999-
Berlin, Belgrad, Bergen-Belsen.
- Nothing forgotten.
It is war, peace is over. When
on earth was it realistic to assume that
the airplanes, the bombs, the
mines we are producing day by day would
never be used? Humanity is
bombing and killing the people of former
Yugoslavia. Those who commit
these crimes are workers and brothers and
sons of workers.-
The four powers - USA, Great
Britain, France and Germany - share a
common interest in this war with
all other imperialists: After the
defeat of socialism which
prevented the imperialists from attacking the people of their and other
countries as well as each other for many
years, they now want the defeat
for the working class to be final and
total. The aim is to make the
international working class accept pure
slavery. The aim is to make the
international working class forget every
single achievement of the time
during which working class was in power.
The aim is to put an end to
proletarian dignity and organization.
The responsibility of the German
working class is a particular one: The
fall of the Wall has always been
the goal of the revanchist policy of
West Germany. The fall of the
Wall was the starting signal for the
peaceful annexation
of the former DDR. The annexation of the DDR by
German Imperialism changed the
post war area and its balance of forces
fundamentally. (As said Herr
Thierse, the socialdemocratic president of
the German Bundestag:
There is an evident link between the war against
Yugoslavia and the fact that the
Bundestag moved into the Reichstag
just a few days before Hitlers
birthday: Both events have been made
possible by the fall of the Wall
1989.) The question is to be asked
whether the war against
Yugoslavia would have been at all possible would
the DDR continue to exist. The
German proletariat did not have the
strength to defend the DDR, to
defend one of the main barriers against
imperialist war. This makes the
burden of the German working class in
the struggle for peace so
particularly heavy.
We do not know whether it was World
War III that started at March 24,
1999. But it was equally unknown
to everybody that it was the beginning
of the first one, when Germany
for the first time in this century took
part in a war against Serbia
(1914). And the second one did not appear
to become a world war when the
German aircraft bombed Belgrad (April
1941). Two months later the
Soviet Union was attacked. Maybe all is
different from the two earlier
occasions as long as Germany does not
fight against her former enemies
but attacks another country like Serbia
together with them, while Russia
still keeps quiet.
There are German politicians and
leaders who claim that they are against
this war - merely because they
do not want to make the same mistakes
as the US, how they call it.
They prefer Germany to walk its own way -
the German Sonderweg
that has been so fruitful in producing war. The
poet Walser, like the editor of
the Spiegel, Herr Augstein actually
argue against the war, at the
same time they fight the idea of a
Holocaust memorial. This is more
than a coincidence. They want Germany
to return to normality and
German normality starts with the declaration
that Auschwitz is nothing but
propagandist lies. Both peace and war are
disastrous for the working class
if peace and war are the result of the
will of the imperialists.
If the working class wants to live
in peace, peace with the imperialists
must come to an end.